Kate Farrington
Kate Farrington, PhD, is a philosopher and artist-in-social-practice doing creative research at the intersections of art, climate change, and environmental ethics. Her core philosophical practice engages the ideas of place-as-medium, thinking-through-place, and shared authorship of place. In 2022, she co-founded the Ocean School Collective (OSC), an artistic research laboratory dedicated to promoting "ocean thinking" as a new environmental ethic, expanding the cultural sphere to include the world of whales, currently being hosted by the Ocean Alliance in Gloucester, MA. Over the past sixteen years, she has received numerous awards and recognition, including participation in the 2022 NEH Summer Institute, “Engaging Geography in the Humanities", a 2018 Cornelia Endowed Fund from Montserrat College of Art for travel to South Korea, and the Annamae and Allan Crite Prize (first prize) for her master's thesis in liberal arts from Harvard University, which was cited for “singular dedication to learning and the arts." She is a college professor teaching across the humanities and specializing in contemporary art & theory, philosophy, and environmental ethics. She has taught at numerous institutions throughout the greater Boston area, including Montserrat College of Art, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Endicott College, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and Emerson College. Her book Place-as-Medium and New Grounds for Thinking in Contemporary Art is coming out soon with Routledge.

photo by Annielly Camargo